We need your assistance to nurture and rejuvenate the society.
Your small contribution will help us to feed family members & caregivers of underprivileged sectors of the society

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- Bank Name: SBI Bank
- Branch: Swasthya Vihar, Delhi
- Account Name: Sarthak Manav Vikas Sanstha
- Account Type: Saving
- Account Number: 36483538633
- IFSC Code: SBIN0007085
Where to Give
For Child Education
Educate a Girl and contribute to nation-building. We are a strong believer in girl education and run different campaigns to build awareness among the weaker section of society.
Stop Child Marriage
Being seen as a ‘burden’ since birth, traditionally the mindset of the society has been to get her married as early as possible. Lack of awareness about the repercussion of child marriage and lack of desire on the part of law enforcement are major reasons that child marriage still exist.
Learn how to get involved
We encourage and invite individuals for volunteer opportunities and volunteer registration, to be an active part of our organization and share the same vision and purpose as us – to work for the welfare of children and weaker section of the society.